第14届欧洲克罗恩病和结肠炎组织(ECCO)大会将于2019年3月6日~9日在誉为“全世界最幸福城市之一”的丹麦王国首都哥本哈根举办。ECCO成立于2001年,是目前世界上最大的非盈利性IBD专家组织,现由36个成员国、26个企业会员组成,ECCO旨在通过在IBD领域的临床机构、教育机构、研究机构合作改善IBD患者治疗。时至今日,ECCO大会已经成功举办了13届,现已成为全球关注的炎症性肠病(IBD)领域的重要学术会议,每年都会吸引超过6500名与会者,为IBD领域的护理人员、营养师、外科医生、胃肠病学家和医生提供了学习和交流平台。 本届ECCO大会的主题是“研究驱动临床管理”。当前,治疗IBD正面临越来越多的问题和挑战,本次会议将聚焦IBD最新理念和进展、IBD最佳临床实践、IBD患者的个体化精准治疗、患者管理最新趋势以及IBD领域的最新基础研究。 |
炎症性肠病(IBD)是一种慢性、终身、反复发作的胃肠道疾病,炎症的反复发作可导致狭窄、穿孔或癌变等严重并发症,严重影响患者生活质量。来自美国纽约的Jean-Frederic Colombel教授和来自英国的Arthur Kaser教授、Geert D’Haens教授将分别围绕 IBD的预防、治愈以及纤维并发症是否可以逆转等三个主题给大家做报告。在每个精彩报告之后,还会有1~2篇当前的最新相关研究进行报告。关于IBD的治愈、预防和并发症逆转的最新研究现状,专家的预测和建议以及最新进展,相信通过此部分会给大家非常有价值的信息。相关议程如下:
会议主题 (日期) | 时间 | 报告题目 |
Silencing IBD (2019.03.07) | 12:30-12:50 | Can we prevent IBD? Jean-Frédéric Colombel, New York, United States |
13:00-13:20 | Can we cure IBD? Arthur Kaser, Cambridge, United Kingdom | |
13:40-14:00 | Are fibrotic complications reversible? Geert D’Haens, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Massimo Pinzani, London, United Kingdom |
IBD患者在服用传统的治疗药物之外,常常寻求其他治疗方式,比如中草药、益生菌、膳食补充剂等,并且数量逐渐上升。3月7日下午将由来自西班牙的Fernando Gomollon Garcia教授介绍“The crazy stuff – what your patients are taking and why?”专题,随后由来自瑞士的Stephan Vavricka教授介绍ECCO学会发布的对于这些辅助治疗的专家论述,最后由来自英国的Yoram Inspector教授介绍IBD患者的心理支持。这部分内容对于如何指导IBD患者选择正确的辅助治疗以及如何进行患者教育有非常大的指导意义。相关议程如下:
会议主题 (日期) | 时间 | 报告题目 |
Complementary treatments: The good and the bad (2019.03.07) | 14:30-14:50 | The crazy stuff – what your patients are taking and why? Fernando Gomollón Garcia, Zaragoza, Spain |
15:00-15:20 | ECCO Topical Review on complementary medicine Joana Torres, Lisbon, Portugal Stephan Vavricka, Zurich, Switzerland | |
15:40-16:00 | Psychological support in IBD Yoram Inspector, London, United Kingdom |
当前由众多IBD治疗药物,包括5-氨基水杨酸、糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂以及生物制剂,而精准化个体治疗是当前的诊治趋势。本次会议将组织专家从系统生物学、IBD组学分析入手,最后由来自英国的Charlie Lees教授作“Stratifying by disease biology to choose the right drug for the right patient”的精彩报告。从基础到临床,掌握IBD患者精准治疗的理念和精髓,值得一观。相关议程如下:
会议主题 (日期) | 时间 | 报告题目 |
Precision medicine: Lessons to learn and paths to the future (2019.03.07) | 16:00-16:20 | What is system biology? Dermot McGovern, Los Angeles, United States |
16:20-16:40 | Multi-omics profiling of IBD Jonas Halfvarson, ?rebr?, Sweden | |
17:00-17:20 | Stratifying by disease biology to choose the right drug for the right patient Charlie Lees, Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
IBD:东方 vs 西方
会议主题 (日期) | 时间 | 报告题目 |
IBD around the world (2019.03.08) | 11:00-11:20 | Vaccination and travelling with IBD: An update Jean-Fran?ois Rahier, Yvoir, Belgium |
11:30-11:50 | Management of IBD outside of Europe: The example of India Rupa Banerjee, Hyderabad, India | |
12:10-12:30 | East meets West: Epidemiology of IBD Johan Burisch, Copenhagen, Denmark Siew Ng, Hong Kong, China |
人工智能、大数据相应领域的进展也潜移默化开始影响IBD患者的诊治。3月9日上午将在“Towards the future of IBD”部分介绍相应进展。 相关议程如下:
会议主题 (日期) | 时间 | 报告题目 |
Towards the future of IBD (2019.03.09) | 10:50-11:10 | Artificial intelligence augmenting medical management Vishal Nangalia, London, United Kingdom |
11:20-11:40 | Robot and surgeon: How will a partnership work? Antonino Spinelli, Milan, Italy | |
12:00-12:20 | Big data: Potential for transforming IBD research and care Ignacio Hernandez-Medrano, Madrid, Spain |
会议主题 (日期) | 时间 | 报告题目 |
Best practice in UC (2019.03.08) | 08:30-08:50 | When do you start a biologic? Simon Travis, Oxford, United Kingdom |
09:00-09:10 | Systems genomics of Ulcerative Colitis: Combining GWAS and signalling networks for patient stratification and individualised drug targeting in Ulcerative Colitis J. Brooks | |
09:20-09:40 | Where is the exit? Marc Ferrante, Leuven, Belgium | |
10:10-10:30 | Precision surgery in UC Yves Panis, Clichy, France | |
New ways of doing endoscopy and imaging in IBD (2019.03.08) | 13:30-13:50 | Assessing bowel damage in CD from adult to childhood Anne Griffiths, Toronto, Canada |
14:00-14:20 | Best practice in screening for dysplasia Marietta Iacucci, Birmingham, United Kingdom | |
Immune cells and microbes: A happy marriage? (2019.03.08) | 15:10-15:30 | Metabolic profiling – the new player in microbiome research Stefan Schreiber, Kiel, Germany |
15:50-16:10 | Using mucosal immune pathways to predict disease outcome Ahmed Hegazy, Berlin, Germany | |
16:30-16:50 | Resolution pathways: Next frontier to control intestinal inflammation Silvia D’Alessio, Milan, Italy | |
The cycle of IBD life in clinical practice | 08:30-08:50 | Challenges in managing the elderly Guillaume Savoye, Rouen, France |
09:10-09:30 | The reproductive phase: Practical recommendations Ailsa Hart, London, United Kingdom | |
10:00-10:20 | Cancer risk in children with IBD, an under-recognized issue Arie Levine, Tel Aviv, Israel | |
ECCO Lecture (2019.03.09) | 12:20-12:50 | ECCO Lecture: Inflammatory cytokines from discoveries to therapies Charles Dinarello, Denver, United States |
Document Number: ETI-CN-000520 /ETI-CN-000521